Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Hello again!

After the last post on Najmania featuring my boys - I realized that I couldn't share the conversations I had with them with all of you anymore. I needed to keep those conversations private - not that it wasn't hard to keep away from typing them up! (I really should have at least typed them up for myself). 

So... hello again!

The boys have grown up! They are now 28 (married), 25, 23 and 20. We are living now in Colorado...

AND... get this...

Three of the four boys are here with us! Not like living with us, but within 10 minutes of us. 


I know. According to my mother, I have controlled their minds and their lives. (IF ONLY).

According to one of our boys of whom shall remain unnamed...

"We like being around you guys."


WIN WIN for parenting! 

And we really like being around them!

Anyway - the hubby, Paul, (you remember Paul?) and I just moved into our new house (well not a "new new" house - but new to us) about three weeks ago. I've learned a few things about myself in that time...

1. I do not know how to be content. I wasn't taught that concept.
2. I am a nester. I need to have my house feel like my home before I can move onto anything else... and
3. I fixate on things I don't like.

Oh... and BIG NEWS! I was diagnosed earlier this year with ADHD. 

I mean, knowing that at 55 is great, however, that might have been helpful to know when I was like... 10. It explains a lot. 

Okay. So, I decided I'm going to write again for anyone out there in the cyber universe who is interested in hearing from another 55-year-old woman. 

I might talk about my ADHD, or being 55, or my house and my plans for it, or occasionally about my family (without naming names, of course). Or I may talk about being raised by two narcissists! It's all game!

Stay tuned...

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